Single Game Odds Widget Demo

SportsDataIO's single-game Best Odds Widget allows publishers the ability to insert the best odds for a given game directly into their article and works with WordPress and all other popular and custom CMSs. The widget is responsive for both web and mobile. The web version looks like this:

And the mobile version looks like this:

If you're viewing this on a desktop, you can shrink the size of your browser window to dynamically see the web version transform into the mobile version. Or if viewing on your phone, you should see both versions appear as the mobile version.

Publishers are given access to our Widget Builder which allows them to select the game they want to display odds for, along with other variables: select the default state, hide/show the state dropdown selector, and hide/select team logos.

All of our betting widgets are powered using our Aggregated Odds Service and include backend management tools that allow you to:

  • Add/remove states
  • Add/remove sportsbooks per state
  • Add/remove affiliate links per sportsbook
  • Built-in IP detection so users see the right odds for the state in which they're located.

There is also a "world" region included that automatically displays odds for users who are not located within legal betting states.

Please get in touch to discuss how you can use any of our widgets on your web and mobile properties!