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All dates & times are in US Eastern Time.

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This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The id of the record. Unique only within the same entity type (i.e. BettingMarketType Ids overlap with BettingBetType Ids)
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes A text value for the record (e.g. Moneyline, Player Prop, 3rd Quarter)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingBetTypes (e.g. Moneyline, Spread)
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingMarketTypes (e.g. Game Line, Team Prop)
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingPeriodTypes (e.g. Full Game, Regulation Time, 1st Half)
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingEventTypes (e.g. Game, Future)
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingOutcomeTypes (e.g. Home, Over)
from 2021
BettingEntityMetadata[] 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingResultTypes (e.g. Win, Loss, Push)
from 2021
BettingResultingMetadata[] Yes No Yes A list of the combinations of BettingMarketTypeID, BettingBetTypeID, and BettingPeriodTypeID that will be resulted
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
int 32 No No Yes The unique identifier for this betting event
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The name of this betting event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The season of this betting event
from 2020
int 32 No No Yes The identifier of the bet type of this betting event
from 2020
string 32 No No Yes The name of the bet type of this betting event
from 2020
datetime Yes No Yes The furthest forward time any book has a market set to close for this betting event
from 2020
datetime Yes No Yes The created date of this betting event
from 2020
datetime Yes No Yes The last updated date of this betting event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The GameId of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No No The GlobalGameId of the game tied to this event
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The status of the game tied to this event
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The Away Team Key of the game tied to this event
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The Home team key of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The Away team ID of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The Home team ID of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No No The global away team id of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No No The global home team id of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The away team score of the game tied to this event (post-game)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The home team score of the game tied to this event (post-game)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The combined scores of the home and away team of the game tied to this event (post-game)
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The away team rotation number of the game tied to this event
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The home team rotation number of the game tied to this event
from 2020
BettingMarket[] 32 Yes No Yes The list of betting markets for this event
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The date and time the connected game starts, where applicable
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
int 32 No No Yes The unique identifier of this betting market
from 2020
int 32 No No Yes The unique identifier of the event this betting market exists for
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingMarketTypeID of this market
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingMarketType of this market
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingBetTypeID of this market
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingBetType of this market
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingPeriodTypeID of this market
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingPeriodType of this market
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The generic name of this market
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The team id of the team tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The team key of the team tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The player id of the player tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The name of the player tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The created date of this market
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The last updated date of this market
from 2020
Sportsbook[] 32 Yes No Yes The sportsbooks that have had odds in this market
from 2020
bool 32 Yes No Yes Shows if any bets are currently available for betting in this market
from 2020
BettingOutcome[] 32 Yes No Yes The list of betting outcomes from each sportsbook in this market
from 2020
ConsensusOutcome[] 32 Yes No Yes The single set of consesnus outcomes of this market
IsArchived bool No No Yes Indicates if the BettingOutcomes have been moved to the archives
ArchiveLocation string No No Yes If IsArchived is true, the location (URL) from where to retrieve the archived BettingOutcomes (API key and sportsbook grouping required); otherwise an empty string
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The unique identifier of this market
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingMarketTypeID of this market
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes The BettingMarketType of this market
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingBetTypeID of this market
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes The BettingBetType of this market
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingPeriodTypeID of this market
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes The BettingPeriodType of this market
from 2021
string 100 Yes No Yes The generic name of this market
from 2021
integer 32 Yes No Yes The team id of the team tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2021
string 10 Yes No Yes The team key of the team tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2021
integer 32 Yes No Yes The player id of the player tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2021
string 100 Yes No Yes The name of the player tied to this market (if applicable)
from 2021
BettingOutcomeResult[] Yes No Yes The list of outcomes under this market with results
IsMarketResultingSupported bool 32 No No Yes Indicates whether resulting is supported for this kind of BettingMarket
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of Betting Market
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of associated Betting Event
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Market Type ID
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes Name of Market Type
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Bet Type ID
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes Name of Bet Type
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Betting Period Type ID
from 2021
string 100 No No Yes Name of Betting Period
from 2021
integer 32 Yes No Yes ID of associated Team
from 2021
string 32 Yes No Yes Short Team Name
from 2021
integer 32 Yes No Yes ID of associated Team
from 2021
string 100 Yes No Yes Name of Player
from 2021
BettingSplit[] 32 No No Yes List of Splits
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The unique identifier of this outcome
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The unique identifier of the market this betting outcome exists for
from 2020
Sportsbook 32 Yes No Yes The sportsbook offering this outcome for betting
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingOutcomeTypeID of this outcome
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingOutcomeType of this outcome
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The american odds payout
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The decimal odds payout
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The number associated with the outcome (spread/total/etc)
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The name of the participant (typically team or player) associated with the outcome. NOTE: This is provided by the sportsbook. In the case of Player odds, we highly recommend using PlayerID as names of players can be inconsistent between sportsbooks.
from 2020
bool 32 Yes No Yes Is this outcome available for betting as of last update
from 2020
bool 32 Yes No Yes Is this an alternate value or the core value
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The created date of the outcome
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The last updated date of the outcome
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The datetime the outcome was unlisted (no longer available for bets)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The TeamID of the team assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The PlayerID of the player assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes No The GlobalTeamID of the team assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
string 500 Yes Yes Yes The URL for sportsbook event
from 2022
bool 1 Yes No Yes Was this outcome created after the start time of the game (only applies when the betting event is of type game)
SportsbookMarketID string 100 Yes Yes No The market ID on the given sportsbook when available for deep links
SportsbookOutcomeID string 100 Yes Yes No The outcome ID on the given sportsbook when available for deep links
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The unique identifier of the outcome
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingResultType of this outcome
from 2021
string 100 Yes Yes Yes The string identifier of the BettingResultType of this outcome (e.g. Won, Lost, Push, Not Resulted, Incomplete)
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The BettingOutcomeTypeID of this outcome
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The BettingOutcomeType of this outcome
from 2021
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The value that was bet in this outcome (if applicable)
from 2021
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The value that actually occurred in game (if applicable)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingMarketTypeID of this type of market which we can result
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingBetTypeID of this type of market which we can result
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes The BettingPeriodTypeID of this type of market which we can result
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of this Split instance
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes ID of associated Betting Market
from 2021
integer 32 Yes No Yes ID of associated Betting Outcome Type
from 2021
string 32 Yes No Yes Name of Betting Outcome Type (e.g. Home, Away, Under, Over)
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Percent of Bets Placed on this Outcome
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Percent of Money on this Outcome
from 2021
datetime 32 No No Yes When this split was first seen
from 2021
datetime 32 No No Yes When this split was last updated
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
Game Game Yes No Yes The game details of this box score
Periods Period[] Yes No Yes The period details of this box score
PlayerGames PlayerGame[] Yes No Yes The player game stats of this box score
TeamGames TeamGame[] Yes No Yes The team game stats of this box score
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
ConferenceID integer 32 No No Yes The ID of the team's conference
Name string 50 No No Yes The name of the team's conference
Teams Team[] Yes No Yes The college teams within this conference
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
int 32 No Yes Yes The number of sportsbooks odds that went into creating this consensus outcome
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The unique identifier of this outcome
from 2020
int 32 Yes No Yes The unique identifier of the market this betting outcome exists for
from 2020
Sportsbook 32 Yes No Yes The sportsbook offering this outcome for betting
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingOutcomeTypeID of this outcome
from 2020
string 32 Yes Yes Yes The BettingOutcomeType of this outcome
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The american odds payout
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The decimal odds payout
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The number associated with the outcome (spread/total/etc)
from 2020
string 32 Yes No Yes The name of the participant (typically team or player) associated with the outcome. NOTE: This is provided by the sportsbook. In the case of Player odds, we highly recommend using PlayerID as names of players can be inconsistent between sportsbooks.
from 2020
bool 32 Yes No Yes Is this outcome available for betting as of last update
from 2020
bool 32 Yes No Yes Is this an alternate value or the core value
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The created date of the outcome
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The last updated date of the outcome
from 2020
datetime 32 Yes No Yes The datetime the outcome was unlisted (no longer available for bets)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The TeamID of the team assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes Yes The PlayerID of the player assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
int 32 Yes Yes No The GlobalTeamID of the team assocated with this outcome (where applicable)
from 2020
string 500 Yes Yes Yes The URL for sportsbook event
from 2022
bool 1 Yes No Yes Was this outcome created after the start time of the game (only applies when the betting event is of type game)
SportsbookMarketID string 100 Yes Yes No The market ID on the given sportsbook when available for deep links
SportsbookOutcomeID string 100 Yes Yes No The outcome ID on the given sportsbook when available for deep links
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this game
Season integer 32 No No Yes The College Basketball season of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
Day date Yes No Yes The date of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
AwayTeam string 12 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 12 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the home team
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the away team scored in this game
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the home team scored in this game
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when this game was last updated (in US Eastern Time)
Period string 10 Yes No Yes The current half of the game (Possible Values: 1, 2, Half, OT, F, F/OT, NULL)
TimeRemainingMinutes integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of minutes remaining in the half
TimeRemainingSeconds integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of seconds remaining in the half
from 2016
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The oddsmaker Point Spread at game start from the perspective of the HomeTeam (negative numbers indicate the HomeTeam is favored, positive numbers indicate the AwayTeam is favored). This is updated once daily at 4:00 AM ET.
from 2016
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The oddsmaker Over/Under at game start. This is updated once daily at 4:00 AM ET.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Money line from the perspective of the away team. This is updated once daily at 4:00 AM ET.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Money line from the perspective of the home team. This is updated once daily at 4:00 AM ET.
GlobalGameID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalAwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the tournament
from 2016
string 50 Yes No Yes The bracket of the tournament
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The current round of the tournament
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the away team
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the home team
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The Id of one of the NCAA tournament games which feeds this game. This gameid will be inaccurate/invalid in free trial as it is scrambled. Null for some Round 1 and all play-in games. Used for rendering. Does not change after tournament records have been created.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The Id of one of the NCAA tournament games which feeds this game. This gameid will be inaccurate/invalid in free trial as it is scrambled. Null for some Round 1 and all play-in games. Used for rendering. Does not change after tournament records have been created.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The unique global ID of the away team's previous game (This gameid will be inaccurate/invalid in free trial as it is scrambled)
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The unique global ID of the away team's previous game (This gameid will be inaccurate/invalid in free trial as it is scrambled)
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The display order of this game. This is used for rendering NCAA Tournament bracket.
from 2016
string 10 Yes Yes Yes The display order of the home team for this game. This is used for rendering the NCAA Tournament bracket, and it indicates whether the home team should be displayed at the top or bottom of the game card. Possible values: Top, Bottom
from 2016
Period[] Yes No Yes The details of the periods (halves & overtime) for this game.
IsClosed boolean No No Yes Indicates whether the game is over and the final score has been verified and closed out.
GameEndDateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time that the game ended in US Eastern Time
from 2016
Stadium Yes No No The stadium details of where this game was played
HomeRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rotation number of home team for this game
AwayRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rotation number of away team for this game
from 2019
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Previous game id of the team in the top slot of an NCAA tournament game. Used for rendering.
from 2019
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Previous game id of the team in the bottom slot of an NCAA tournament game. Used for rendering.
Channel string 10 Yes No Yes The television station broadcasting the game
from 2020
boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether this game is played in a neutral venue
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The point spread payout for the away team
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The point spread payout for the home team
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The payout when betting the Over of the Over/Under
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The payout when betting the Under of the Over/Under
from 2021
datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game in UTC
Attendance integer 32 Yes No No The attendance of the game when available
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Unique Game ID associated with relevant game.
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes Season Type (e.g. Preseason, Regular Season, Postseason)
from 2021
integer 32 No No Yes End Year of Season (2021-22 would be 2022)
from 2021
datetime 32 Yes No Yes Day of Game
from 2021
string 32 Yes No Yes Away Team
from 2021
string 32 Yes No Yes Home Team
from 2021
BettingMarketSplit[] 32 No No Yes The Betting Markets included in this game that have splits
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameId integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game.
Season integer 32 No No Yes The calendar year of the season during which this game occurs.
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Day date Yes No Yes The day that the game is scheduled to be played in UTC.
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date/time that the game is scheduled to be played in UTC.
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
AwayTeamId integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamId of the away team.
HomeTeamId integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamId of the home team.
AwayTeamName string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the away team.
HomeTeamName string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the home team.
GlobalGameId integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalAwayTeamId integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamId integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
PregameOdds GameOdd[] Yes No Yes List of Pregame GameOdds from different sportsbooks
LiveOdds GameOdd[] Yes No Yes List of Live GameOdds from different sportsbooks
HomeTeamScore integer Yes Yes Yes Score of the home team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
AwayTeamScore integer Yes Yes Yes Score of the away team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
TotalScore integer Yes Yes Yes Total scored points in the game (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
HomeRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rotation number of home team for this game
AwayRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rotation number of away team for this game
AlternateMarketPregameOdds GameOdd[] Yes No Yes List of Alternate Market Pregame GameOdds from different sportsbooks
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game.
Season integer 32 No No Yes The calendar year of the season during which this game occurs.
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Day date Yes No Yes The day that the game is scheduled to be played in UTC.
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date/time that the game is scheduled to be played in UTC.
Status string 25 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamId of the away team.
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamId of the home team.
AwayTeamName string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the away team.
HomeTeamName string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the home team.
GlobalGameID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalAwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
PregameOdds GameOddResult[] Yes No Yes List of Pregame GameOdds from different sportsbooks with results
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Score of the home team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Score of the away team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
TotalScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total scored points in the game (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
HomeRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes I Rotation number of home team for this game
AwayRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rotation number of away team for this game
AlternateMarketPregameOdds GameOddResult[] Yes No Yes List of Alternate Market Pregame GameOdds from different sportsbooks with results
Period string 10 Yes No Yes The current half of the game (Possible Values: 1, 2, Half, OT, F, F/OT, NULL)
TimeRemainingMinutes integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of minutes remaining in the half
TimeRemainingSeconds integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of seconds remaining in the half
Periods Period[] Yes No Yes The details of the periods (halves & overtime) for this game.
IsClosed boolean No No Yes Indicates whether the game is over and the final score has been verified and closed out.
LiveOdds GameOddResult[] Yes No No List of Live Odds from different sportsbooks with results
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameOddId integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of this odd
Sportsbook string 25 No Yes Yes Name of sportsbook
GameId integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game
Created datetime No No Yes The timestamp of when these odds were first created, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT).
Updated datetime No No Yes The timestamp of when these odds were last updated, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT). If these are the latest odds for this game, and they have not been updated within the last few minutes, then it indicates that there were problems connecting to the sportsbook.
HomeMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's money line for the home team
AwayMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's money line for the away team
HomePointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread for the home team
AwayPointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread for the away team
HomePointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread payout for the home team
AwayPointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread payout for the away team
OverUnder decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's total points scored over under for the game
OverPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's payout for the over
UnderPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's payout for the under
SportsbookId integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID of the sportsbook
OddType string 50 Yes No Yes The odd type of this specific odd
SportsbookUrl string 500 Yes No Yes The URL for sportsbook event
Unlisted datetime Yes No No The timestamp when these odds were no longer seen, based on US Eastern Time (EST/EDT)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameOddId integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of this odd
GameOddResultTypeId integer 32 Yes No Yes The GameOddResultType of this outcome as an integer
GameOddResultType string 100 Yes No Yes The string identifier of the GameOddResultType of this outcome (e.g. Won, Lost, Push, Not Resulted, Incomplete)
OddType string 500 Yes No Yes The market type of the odd (ex: live, pregame, 1st-5th Inning, etc)
GameOddType string 100 Yes No Yes The GameOddOutcomeType of this outcome as a string
BetValue decimal 32 Yes No Yes The value that was bet in this outcome (if applicable)
ActualValue decimal 32 Yes No Yes The value that actually occurred in game (if applicable)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameOddID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of this odd
Sportsbook string 25 No Yes Yes Name of sportsbook
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game
Created datetime No No Yes The timestamp of when these odds were first created, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT).
Updated datetime No No Yes The timestamp of when these odds were last updated, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT). If these are the latest odds for this game, and they have not been updated within the last few minutes, then it indicates that there were problems connecting to the sportsbook.
HomeMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's money line for the home team
AwayMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's money line for the away team
HomePointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread for the home team
AwayPointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread for the away team
HomePointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread payout for the home team
AwayPointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's point spread payout for the away team
OverUnder decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's total points scored over under for the game
OverPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's payout for the over
UnderPayout integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The sportsbook's payout for the under
SportsbookID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID of the sportsbook
SportsbookUrl string 500 Yes No Yes The URL for sportsbook event
OddType string 50 Yes No Yes The odd type of this specific odd
GameOddOutcomeResults GameOddOutcome[] Yes No Yes The list of outcomes under this Game Odd Record with results
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2021
int 32 No No Yes Unique ID of player
from 2021
string 32 No No Yes Full name of player
from 2021
int 32 No No Yes Unique ID of team
from 2021
string 32 No No Yes Team name abbreviation
from 2021
string 32 Yes No Yes Position of player
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Injury status (Questionable, Out, etc)
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Body part injured
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Injury description
from 2021
datetime 32 Yes Yes Yes Date on which injury occurred
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
Game Yes No Yes Upcoming game between the team and the opponent
from 2020
TeamTrends[] Yes No Yes The collection of team trends between each team
from 2020
TeamGameTrends[] Yes No Yes The collection of team game trends against opponent
from 2020
TeamGameTrends[] Yes No Yes The collection of opponent game trends against team
from 2020
Game[] Yes No Yes The collection of last 10 game scores between each team
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PeriodID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID for the period
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game
Number integer 32 No No Yes The Number (Order) of the Period in the scope of the Game.
Name string 10 No No Yes The Name of the Quarter (possible values: 1, 2, OT, OT2, OT3, etc)
Type string 10 No No Yes Indicates whether this period is the first/second half or overtime (possible values: Half, Overtime)
AwayScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The total points scored by the away team in this Period.
HomeScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The total points scored by the away team in this Period.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerID integer 32 No No Yes The player's unique PlayerID as assigned by SportsDataIO.
FirstName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's first name.
LastName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's last name.
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamID of the team this player is employed by.
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The key/abbreviation of the team this player is employed by.
Jersey integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's jersey number.
Position string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position(s). Possible values: C, F, F-C, G, G-F
Class string 50 Yes No Yes The class of the year (e.g. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)
Height integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's height in inches.
Weight integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's weight in pounds (lbs).
BirthCity string 50 Yes No Yes The city in which the player was born.
BirthState string 50 Yes No Yes The state in which the player was born.
HighSchool string 50 Yes No Yes The high school that the player attended.
SportRadarPlayerID string 50 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to the SportRadar API.
RotoworldPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to the Rotoworld news feed.
RotoWirePlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to the RotoWire news feed.
FantasyAlarmPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to the FantasyAlarm news feed.
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Injury status (Questionable, Out, etc)
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Body part injured
from 2021
string 32 Yes Yes Yes Injury description and expected availability
from 2021
datetime 32 Yes Yes Yes Date on which injury occurred
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerID integer 32 No No Yes The player's unique PlayerID as assigned by SportsDataIO.
FirstName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's first name.
LastName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's last name.
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The TeamID of the team this player is employed by.
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The key/abbreviation of the team this player is employed by.
Jersey integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's jersey number.
Position string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position(s). Possible values: C, F, F-C, G, G-F
Class string 50 Yes No Yes The class of the year (e.g. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)
Height integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's height in inches.
Weight integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's weight in pounds (lbs).
BirthCity string 50 Yes No Yes The city in which the player was born.
BirthState string 50 Yes No Yes The state in which the player was born.
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stat
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 Yes No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 Yes No Yes The college basketball season of the game
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Position string 10 Yes No Yes The player's position associated with the given game or season. Possible values: C, F, FC, G, GF, PF, PG, SF, SG
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for FanDuel daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for DraftKings daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary as calculated by SportsDataIO (formerly known as FantasyData). Based on the same salary cap as DraftKings contests ($50,000).
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for Yahoo daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
string 50 Yes No Yes Indicates the player's injury status. Free text, can vary.
from 2016
string 50 Yes No Yes The body part that is injured (Knee, Groin, Calf, Hamstring, etc.)
from 2016
date Yes No Yes The day that the injury started or first discovered.
from 2016
string 250 Yes No Yes Brief description of the player's injury and expected availability.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in FanDuel's daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in DraftKings' daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in Yahoo's daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes No Yes The ranking of the player's opponent with regards to fantasy points allowed.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes No Yes The ranking of the player's opponent by position with regards to fantasy points allowed.
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this player's team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GameID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this game
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team's opponent
Opponent string 10 Yes No Yes The name of the opponent 
Day date Yes No Yes The day of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the team is home or away
IsGameOver boolean No No Yes Whether the game is over (true/false)
GlobalGameID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalOpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes A globally unique ID for this team's opponent. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when the record was last updated (US Eastern Time).
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes The number of games played.
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total fantasy points
Minutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of minutes played
FieldGoalsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals made
FieldGoalsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals attempted
FieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total field goal percentage
EffectiveFieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total effective field goals percentage
TwoPointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers made
TwoPointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers attempted
TwoPointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers percentage
ThreePointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers made
ThreePointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers attempted
ThreePointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers percentage
FreeThrowsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws made
FreeThrowsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws attempted
FreeThrowsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws percentage
OffensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds
DefensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds
Rebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rebounds
OffensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds percentage
DefensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds percentage
TotalReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player/team total rebounds percentage
Assists integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total assists
Steals integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total steals
BlockedShots integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total blocked shots
Turnovers integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total turnovers
PersonalFouls integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total personal fouls
Points integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total points
TrueShootingAttempts decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting attempts as defined here:
TrueShootingPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting percentage as defined here:
PlayerEfficiencyRating decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's linear weight efficiency rating as defined here:
AssistsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's assist percentage as defined here:
StealsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's steal percentage as defined here:
BlocksPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's block percentage as defined here:
TurnOversPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's turnover percentage as defined here:
UsageRatePercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's usage rate percentage as defined here:
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Fan Duel daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Draft Kings daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsYahoo decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Yahoo daily fantasy points scored
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stat
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 Yes No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 Yes No Yes The college basketball season of the game
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Position string 10 Yes No Yes The player's position associated with the given game or season. Possible values: C, F, FC, G, GF, PF, PG, SF, SG
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for FanDuel daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for DraftKings daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary as calculated by SportsDataIO (formerly known as FantasyData). Based on the same salary cap as DraftKings contests ($50,000).
from 2016
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's salary for Yahoo daily fantasy contests.
from 2016
string 50 Yes No Yes Indicates the player's injury status. Free text, can vary.
from 2016
string 50 Yes No Yes The body part that is injured (Knee, Groin, Calf, Hamstring, etc.)
from 2016
date Yes No Yes The day that the injury started or first discovered.
from 2016
string 250 Yes No Yes Brief description of the player's injury and expected availability.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in FanDuel's daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in DraftKings' daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
string 10 Yes No Yes The player's eligible position in Yahoo's daily fantasy sports platform.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes No Yes The ranking of the player's opponent with regards to fantasy points allowed.
from 2016
integer 32 Yes No Yes The ranking of the player's opponent by position with regards to fantasy points allowed.
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this player's team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GameID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this game
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team's opponent
Opponent string 10 Yes No Yes The name of the opponent 
Day date Yes No Yes The day of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the team is home or away
IsGameOver boolean No No Yes Whether the game is over (true/false)
GlobalGameID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalOpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes A globally unique ID for this team's opponent. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when the record was last updated (US Eastern Time).
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes The number of games played.
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total fantasy points
Minutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of minutes played
FieldGoalsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals made
FieldGoalsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals attempted
FieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total field goal percentage
EffectiveFieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total effective field goals percentage
TwoPointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers made
TwoPointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers attempted
TwoPointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers percentage
ThreePointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers made
ThreePointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers attempted
ThreePointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers percentage
FreeThrowsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws made
FreeThrowsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws attempted
FreeThrowsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws percentage
OffensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds
DefensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds
Rebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rebounds
OffensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds percentage
DefensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds percentage
TotalReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player/team total rebounds percentage
Assists integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total assists
Steals integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total steals
BlockedShots integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total blocked shots
Turnovers integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total turnovers
PersonalFouls integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total personal fouls
Points integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total points
TrueShootingAttempts decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting attempts as defined here:
TrueShootingPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting percentage as defined here:
PlayerEfficiencyRating decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's linear weight efficiency rating as defined here:
AssistsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's assist percentage as defined here:
StealsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's steal percentage as defined here:
BlocksPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's block percentage as defined here:
TurnOversPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's turnover percentage as defined here:
UsageRatePercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's usage rate percentage as defined here:
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Fan Duel daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Draft Kings daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsYahoo decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Yahoo daily fantasy points scored
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stat
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the player's team
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 Yes No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 Yes No Yes The college basketball regular season for which these totals apply
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Position string 10 Yes No Yes Player's position in the starting lineup (if started), otherwise the position he substituted for
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this player's team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when the record was last updated (US Eastern Time).
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes The number of games played.
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total fantasy points
Minutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of minutes played
FieldGoalsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals made
FieldGoalsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals attempted
FieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total field goal percentage
EffectiveFieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total effective field goals percentage
TwoPointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers made
TwoPointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers attempted
TwoPointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers percentage
ThreePointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers made
ThreePointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers attempted
ThreePointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers percentage
FreeThrowsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws made
FreeThrowsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws attempted
FreeThrowsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws percentage
OffensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds
DefensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds
Rebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rebounds
OffensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds percentage
DefensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds percentage
TotalReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player/team total rebounds percentage
Assists integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total assists
Steals integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total steals
BlockedShots integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total blocked shots
Turnovers integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total turnovers
PersonalFouls integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total personal fouls
Points integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total points
TrueShootingAttempts decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting attempts as defined here:
TrueShootingPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting percentage as defined here:
PlayerEfficiencyRating decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's linear weight efficiency rating as defined here:
AssistsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's assist percentage as defined here:
StealsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's steal percentage as defined here:
BlocksPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's block percentage as defined here:
TurnOversPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's turnover percentage as defined here:
UsageRatePercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's usage rate percentage as defined here:
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Fan Duel daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Draft Kings daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsYahoo decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Yahoo daily fantasy points scored
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this game
Season integer 32 No No Yes The College Basketball season of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
Day date Yes No Yes The date of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
AwayTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the home team
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the away team scored in this game
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the home team scored in this game
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when this game was last updated (in US Eastern Time)
GlobalGameID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
TournamentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the tournament
Bracket string 50 Yes No Yes The bracket of the tournament
Round integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The current round of the tournament
AwayTeamSeed integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the away team
HomeTeamSeed integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the home team
IsClosed boolean No No Yes Indicates whether the game is over and the final score has been verified and closed out.
GameEndDateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time that the game ended in US Eastern Time
NeutralVenue boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether this game is played in a neutral venue
DateTimeUTC datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game in UTC
GlobalAwayTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this game
Season integer 32 No No Yes The College Basketball season of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
Day date Yes No Yes The date of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
AwayTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the home team
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when this game was last updated (in US Eastern Time)
TournamentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the tournament
Bracket string 50 Yes No Yes The bracket of the tournament
Round integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The current round of the tournament
AwayTeamSeed integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the away team
HomeTeamSeed integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The seed of the home team
IsClosed boolean No No Yes Indicates whether the game is over and the final score has been verified and closed out.
GameEndDateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time that the game ended in US Eastern Time
NeutralVenue boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether this game is played in a neutral venue
DateTimeUTC datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game in UTC
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the away team scored in this game
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the home team scored in this game
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
Season integer 32 No No Yes The college basketball season of the game
StartYear integer 32 No No Yes The year in which the season started
EndYear integer 32 No No Yes The year in which the season ended
Description string 10 Yes No Yes The description of this season for display purposes (e.g. 2017-18, 2018-19, etc)
RegularSeasonStartDate date Yes No Yes The start date of the regular season
PostSeasonStartDate date Yes No Yes The start date of the postseason
ApiSeason string 50 Yes No Yes The string to pass into subsequent API calls in the season parameter
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StadiumID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stadium
Active boolean No No Yes Whether or not this stadium is the home venue for an active team
Name string 50 No No Yes The full name of the stadium
Address string 50 Yes No Yes The address where the stadium is located
City string 50 Yes No Yes The city where the stadium is located
State string 50 Yes No Yes The US state where the stadium is located (if Stadium is outside US, this value is NULL)
Zip string 10 Yes No Yes The zip code of the stadium
Country string 10 Yes No Yes The 2-digit country code where the stadium is located
Capacity integer 32 Yes No Yes The estimated seating capacity of the stadium
GeoLat decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic latitude coordinate of this venue.
GeoLong decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic longitude coordinate of this venue.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
TeamID integer 32 No No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Team
[Key] string 10 No No Yes A unique abbreviation of the team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.) Due to being selected for uniqueness, these are not always a match with broadcaster abbreviations. For that use case, use ShortDisplayName.
Active boolean No No Yes Whether or not this team is active
School string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the school as used in college sports (e.g. SMU, South Florida, Stony Brook, UCLA, etc.)
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The mascot of the team (e.g. Sooners, Red Raiders, Trojans, Wildcats, etc.)
ApRank integer 32 Yes No Yes The AP Rank of the team 
Wins integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of wins by the school
Losses integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of losses by the school
ConferenceWins integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of conference wins by the school
ConferenceLosses integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of conference losses by the school
GlobalTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
ConferenceID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team's conference
Conference string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the team's conference
TeamLogoUrl string 100 Yes No Yes The url of the team logo image.
ShortDisplayName string 10 Yes No Yes The short display name of the team
Stadium Stadium Yes No Yes The home stadium of the team
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
TeamID integer 32 No No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Team
Key string 10 No No Yes A unique abbreviation of the team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.) These are not recommended for front end use as they may not match common usage; see the ShortDisplayName instead.
Active boolean No No Yes Whether or not this team is active
School string 50 Yes No Yes The school of the team (e.g. Oklahoma University, Texas Tech University, University of Southern California, Kentucky University, etc)
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The mascot of the team (e.g. Sooners, Red Raiders, Trojans, Wildcats, etc.)
GlobalTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
ConferenceID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team's conference
Conference string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the team's conference
TeamLogoUrl string 100 Yes No Yes The url of the team logo image.
ShortDisplayName string 10 Yes No Yes The short display name of the team, recommended for front end applications. May not be unique; if you need a 100% unique letter identifier see the Key field in this table.
Stadium Stadium Yes No Yes The home stadium of the team
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stat
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team
SeasonType integer 32 Yes No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 Yes No Yes The college basketball season of the game
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Team's name
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Wins integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of team wins
Losses integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of team losses
ConferenceWins integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of conference wins
ConferenceLosses integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of conference losses
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Possessions decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of team possessions as defined here:
GameID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this game
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team's opponent
Opponent string 10 Yes No Yes The name of the opponent 
Day date Yes No Yes The day of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the team is home or away
IsGameOver boolean No No Yes Whether the game is over (true/false)
GlobalGameID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalOpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes A globally unique ID for this team's opponent. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when the record was last updated (US Eastern Time).
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes The number of games played.
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total fantasy points
Minutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of minutes played
FieldGoalsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals made
FieldGoalsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals attempted
FieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total field goal percentage
EffectiveFieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total effective field goals percentage
TwoPointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers made
TwoPointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers attempted
TwoPointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers percentage
ThreePointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers made
ThreePointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers attempted
ThreePointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers percentage
FreeThrowsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws made
FreeThrowsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws attempted
FreeThrowsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws percentage
OffensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds
DefensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds
Rebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rebounds
OffensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds percentage
DefensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds percentage
TotalReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player/team total rebounds percentage
Assists integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total assists
Steals integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total steals
BlockedShots integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total blocked shots
Turnovers integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total turnovers
PersonalFouls integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total personal fouls
Points integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total points
TrueShootingAttempts decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting attempts as defined here:
TrueShootingPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting percentage as defined here:
PlayerEfficiencyRating decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's linear weight efficiency rating as defined here:
AssistsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's assist percentage as defined here:
StealsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's steal percentage as defined here:
BlocksPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's block percentage as defined here:
TurnOversPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's turnover percentage as defined here:
UsageRatePercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's usage rate percentage as defined here:
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Fan Duel daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Draft Kings daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsYahoo decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Yahoo daily fantasy points scored
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
string 50 No No Yes The type of Trend (e.g. Last 5 games, Last 10 games, Last 5 home games, etc.)
from 2020
integer 32 No No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Team
from 2020
string 50 No No Yes Abbreviation of the Team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.)
from 2020
integer 32 Yes No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Opponent Team
from 2020
string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of the Opponent Team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.)
from 2020
integer 32 No Yes Yes Wins relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 No Yes Yes Losses relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 No Yes Yes Ties relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Wins against the spread relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Losses against the spread relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Pushes against the spread relating to the scope
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Amount of times the total score goes over the OverUnder
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Amount of times the total score goes under the OverUnder
from 2020
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Amount of times the total score pushes the OverUnder
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Average score of team
from 2020
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Average score of opponent
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stat
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team
SeasonType integer 32 Yes No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 Yes No Yes The college basketball regular season for which these totals apply
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Team name
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Wins integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of wins
Losses integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of losses
ConferenceWins integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of conference wins
ConferenceLosses integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of conference losses
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
Possessions decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of team possessions as defined here:
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when the record was last updated (US Eastern Time).
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes The number of games played.
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total fantasy points
Minutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of minutes played
FieldGoalsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals made
FieldGoalsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of field goals attempted
FieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total field goal percentage
EffectiveFieldGoalsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total effective field goals percentage
TwoPointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers made
TwoPointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers attempted
TwoPointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total two pointers percentage
ThreePointersMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers made
ThreePointersAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers attempted
ThreePointersPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total three pointers percentage
FreeThrowsMade integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws made
FreeThrowsAttempted integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws attempted
FreeThrowsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total free throws percentage
OffensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds
DefensiveRebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds
Rebounds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rebounds
OffensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total offensive rebounds percentage
DefensiveReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total defensive rebounds percentage
TotalReboundsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player/team total rebounds percentage
Assists integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total assists
Steals integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total steals
BlockedShots integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total blocked shots
Turnovers integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total turnovers
PersonalFouls integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total personal fouls
Points integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total points
TrueShootingAttempts decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting attempts as defined here:
TrueShootingPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's true shooting percentage as defined here:
PlayerEfficiencyRating decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's linear weight efficiency rating as defined here:
AssistsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's assist percentage as defined here:
StealsPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's steal percentage as defined here:
BlocksPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's block percentage as defined here:
TurnOversPercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's turnover percentage as defined here:
UsageRatePercentage decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The player's usage rate percentage as defined here:
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Fan Duel daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Draft Kings daily fantasy points scored
FantasyPointsYahoo decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total Yahoo daily fantasy points scored
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2020
string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of the team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.)
from 2020
integer 32 Yes No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Team
from 2020
Game Yes No Yes Upcoming game for this team
from 2020
TeamGameTrends[] Yes No Yes The collection of Game Trends for this team
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
from 2016
integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the tournament
from 2016
integer 32 No No Yes The college basketball season of the tournament
from 2016
string 100 No No Yes The name of the tournament
from 2016
string 50 No No Yes The location of the tournament
from 2016
Game[] Yes No Yes The games of this tournament
from 2016
string 20 Yes No Yes The conference that is displayed on the top-left when rendering the tournament bracket.
from 2016
string 20 Yes No Yes The conference that is displayed on the bottom-left when rendering the tournament bracket.
from 2016
string 20 Yes No Yes The conference that is displayed on the top-right when rendering the tournament bracket.
from 2016
string 20 Yes No Yes The conference that is displayed on the bottom-right when rendering the tournament bracket.
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