Data Dictionary

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Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
RecordId integer 32 No No Yes The id of the record. Unique only within the same entity type (i.e. BettingMarketType Ids overlap with BettingBetType Ids)
Name string 100 No No Yes A text value for the record (e.g. Moneyline, Player Prop, 3rd Quarter)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
BettingBetTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingBetTypes (e.g. Moneyline, Spread)
BettingMarketTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingMartketTypes (e.g. Game Line, Team Prop)
BettingPeriodTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingPeriodTypes (e.g. Full Game, Regulation Time, 1st Half)
BettingEventTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingEventTypes (e.g. Game, Future)
BettingOutcomeTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingOutcomeTypes (e.g. Home, Over)
ResultedMarketMetaData BettingResultingMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the combinations of MarketType, BetType, & PeriodType which we willl provide automated resulting for
BettingResultTypes BettingEntityMetadata 32 Yes No Yes A list of the possible BettingResultTypes (e.g. Win, Loss, Push)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
BettingMarketTypeId integer 32 No No Yes The BettingMarketTypeID of this type of market which we can result
BettingBetTypeId integer 32 No No Yes The BettingBetTypeID of this type of market which we can result
BettingPeriodTypeId integer 32 No No Yes The BettingPeriodTypeID of this type of market which we can result
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
CompetitionId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Competition
AreaId integer 32 No No No ID of Area in which Competition takes place.
AreaName String 50 Yes No No Name of Area in which Competition takes place.
Gender string 50 Yes No No Gender(s) participating in this Competition.
Name string 100 No No No Name of Competition
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
ContestantId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Contestant.
SeasonId integer 32 No No No ID of Season in which the Contestant is participating.
DisciplineId integer 32 No No No ID of associated Discipline.
DisciplineType string 50 No No No Associated Discipline (Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles).
PlayerAId integer 32 No Yes No ID of Player
PlayerBId integer 32 Yes Yes No ID of Player B (if Doubles).
PlayerAName string 100 No No No Name of Player
PlayerBName string 100 Yes No No Name of Player B (if Doubles).
Seeding string 10 Yes No No Contestant seeding within relevant Season.
DrawPosition int 32 Yes No No Contestant draw position within relevant Season
PrizeMoney int 32 Yes No No Prize money won by Contestant.
Currency string 50 Yes No No Currency of prize money.
Winner boolean 32 Yes No No Indicates if Contestant was the winner of the Season.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
DisciplineId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Discipline
Name string 50 No No No Name of Discipline
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
MatchId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of the Match
RoundId integer 32 No No No ID of the Round that the Match takes place within
VenueDetails Venue No No No Venue where the Match is played
Day date Yes No No Day that the Match is scheduled to be played (UTC)
DateTime datetime Yes No No Date and time that the Match is scheduled to be played (UTC)
ContestantAID integer 32 No No No ID of Contestant A
ContestantA1Name string 50 No No No Name of the first player of Contestant A
ContestantA2Name string 50 No No No Name of the second player of Contestant A
ContestantBID integer 32 No No No ID of Contestant B
ContestantB1Name string 50 No No No Name of the first player of Contestant B
ContestantB2Name string 50 No No No Name of the second player of Contestant B
Status string 50 No No No Status of the Match
WinnerContestantId integer 32 No Yes No Contestant ID of the Match winner
ScoreA integer 32 No No No Score of Contestant A, representing number of won sets
ScoreB integer 32 No Yes No Score of Contestant B, representing number of won sets
Duration string 50 No No No Duration of the Match, in hours and minutes (hh:mm)
Periods Period[] No No No List of the Periods (sets), including tiebreaks
Updated datetime No No No Timestamp of the last update of this record (ET)
Created datetime No No No Timestamp of this record's creation (ET)
MatchOdds MatchOdd[] Yes No No Latest Odds for this Match
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
MatchOddId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of MatchOdd Record.
SportsbookId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Sportsbook.
Sportsbook string 32 No No No Name of Sportsbook.
MatchId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of associated Match.
ContestantAId integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of Contestant.
ContestantA1Name string 100 Yes No No Name of Contestant.
ContestantA2Name string 100 Yes No No Name of Contestant (if doubles).
ContestantBId integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of Contestant.
ContestantB1Name string 100 Yes No No Name of Contestant.
ContestantB2Name string 100 Yes No No Name of Contestant (if doubles).
ContestantAMoneyline int 32 Yes Yes No Moneyline Odds for Contestant A.
ContestantBMoneyline int 32 Yes Yes No Moneyline Odds for Contestant B.
TotalGames decimal 32 Yes Yes No Total Games O/U Value.
TotalGamesOverPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Total Games Over Odds.
TotalGamesUnderPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Total Games Under Odds.
TotalSets decimal 32 Yes Yes No Total Sets O/U Value.
TotalSetsOverPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Total Sets Over Odds.
TotalSetsUnderPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Total Sets Under Odds.
OddType string 50 No No No Describes what kind of odd this is, eg. pregame.
Created datetime 32 No No No Time at which this record was created.
Updated datetime 32 Yes No No Time at which this record was last updated.
ContestantAGameSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes No Spread Value for Contestant A.
ContestantAGameSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Odds for Contestant A Spread.
ContestantBGameSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes No Spread Value for Contestant B.
ContestantBGameSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No Odds for Contestant B Spread.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PeriodId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of the Period
Type string 50 No No No Type of the Period, an ordered description of the set. Indicates a tiebreak, if necessary
ScoreA integer 32 No Yes No Score of Contestant A, representing number of won games
ScoreB integer 32 No Yes No Score of Contestant B, representing number of won games
Updated datetime No No No Timestamp of the last update of this record (ET)
Created datetime No No No Timestamp of this record's creation (ET)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerId integer 32 No Yes No The unique ID of this player
FirstName string 50 Yes No No The player's first name
LastName string 50 Yes No No The player's last name
CommonName string 100 Yes No No The player's common name
ShortName string 50 Yes No No The player's short name
Gender string 10 Yes No No The player's gender
BirthDate datetime Yes No No The player's birthdate
BirthCity string 50 Yes No No The player's birth city
BirthCountry string 50 Yes No No The player's birth country
Nationality string 50 Yes No No The player's nationality
Height int 32 Yes No No The player's height in centimeters
Weight int 32 Yes No No The player's weight in kilograms
Status string 50 Yes No No The player's status
Hand string 10 Yes No No The player's hand
YearPro int 32 Yes No No The year the player went pro
SinglesWorldRank integer 32 Yes Yes No Player's singles world rank
DoublesWorldRank integer 32 Yes Yes No Player's doubles world rank
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
RoundId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Round.
SeasonId integer 32 No No No ID of associated Season
DisciplineId integer 32 No No No ID of associated Discipline.
SeasonName string 100 No No No Name of associated Season.
DisciplineType string 50 No No No Name of associated Discipline.
Gender string 50 No No No Gender of Round.
Name string 50 No No No Name of Round (eg. Round of 128, Semi Finals, etc.)
StartDate date 32 Yes No No Start Date of Round.
EndDate date 32 Yes No No End Date of Round.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Season
CompetitionId Integer 32 No No No ID of associated Competition.
Year integer 32 No No No Year in which Season takes place.
Name string 100 No No No Name of Season.
CompetitionName string 100 No No No Name of Competition
Surface string 50 Yes Yes No Type of Surface (eg. Clay, Grass, Hard)
StartDate date 32 Yes Yes No Start Date of Season. Day on which matches begin.
EndDate date 32 Yes Yes No End Date of Season. Last day of matches.
Status string 50 Yes No No Status of Tournament (Eg. Scheduled, InProgress, Final)
ATPTourSeasonId integer 32 Yes No No ID of associated ATP Tour Season.
WTATourSeasonId integer 32 Yes No No ID of associated WTA Tour Season.
MensSinglesWinnerContestantDetails Contestant 32 Yes No No Contestant info on the Mens Singles Winner, if applicable.
WomensSinglesWinnerContestantDetails Contestant 32 Yes No No Contestant info on the Womens Singles Winner, if applicable.
MensDoublesWinnerContestantDetails Contestant 32 Yes No No Contestant info on the Mens Doubles Winner, if applicable.
WomensDoublesWinnerContestantDetails Contestant 32 Yes No No Contestant info on the Womens Doubles Winner, if applicable.
MixedDoublesWinnerContestantDetails Contestant 32 Yes No No Contestant info on the Mixed Doubles Winner, if applicable.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SportsbookID int 32 No No Yes The unique identifier of the sportsbook
Name string 50 No Yes Yes The name of the sportsbook
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
TourId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Tour
Name string 50 No No No Name of Tour
Gender string 32 Yes No No Gender of Tour
TourSeasons TourSeason[] 32 Yes No No Associated Tour Seasons
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
TourSeasonId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of Tour Season.
TourId integer 32 No No No ID of associated Tour.
Year integer 32 Yes No No Year of Tour Season.
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
VenueId integer 32 No No No The unique ID of the venue
Name string 100 No No No The full name of the venue
City string 50 No No No The city where the venue is located