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This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
ConferenceID integer 32 No No Yes The ID of the team's conference
Name string 50 No No Yes The name of the team's conference
Teams Team[] Yes No Yes The college teams within this conference
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this game
Season integer 32 No No Yes The College Basketball season of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Canceled
Day date Yes No Yes The date of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
AwayTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the home team
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the away team scored in this game
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total number of points the home team scored in this game
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when this game was last updated (in US Eastern Time)
Period string 10 Yes No Yes The current quarter of the game (Possible Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, OT, F, F/OT, NULL)
TimeRemainingMinutes integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of minutes remaining in the quarter
TimeRemainingSeconds integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of seconds remaining in the quarter
GlobalGameID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalAwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
from 2016
Period[] Yes No Yes The details of the periods (quarters & overtime) for this game.
DateTimeUTC datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of game in UTC
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PeriodID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID for the period
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the game
Number integer 32 No No Yes The Number (Order) of the Period in the scope of the Game
Name string 10 No No Yes The Name of the Quarter (possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, OT, OT2, OT3, etc)
Type string 10 No No Yes Indicates whether this period is a regulation quarter or overtime (possible values: Quarter, Overtime)
AwayScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The total points scored by the away team in this Period
HomeScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The total points scored by the home team in this Period
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this game
Season integer 32 No No Yes The College Basketball season of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5-AllStar)
Status string 20 Yes No Yes Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit, NotNecessary
Day date Yes No Yes The date of the game
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game
AwayTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the home team
AwayTeamScore integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of points the away team scored in this game
HomeTeamScore integer 32 Yes No Yes Total number of points the home team scored in this game
Updated datetime Yes No Yes The timestamp of when this game was last updated (in US Eastern Time)
GlobalGameID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this game. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
TournamentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the tournament
Bracket string 50 Yes No Yes The bracket of the tournament
Round integer 32 Yes No Yes The current round of the tournament
AwayTeamSeed integer 32 Yes No Yes The seed of the away team
HomeTeamSeed integer 32 Yes No Yes The seed of the home team
IsClosed boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether the game is over and the final score has been verified and closed out.
GameEndDateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date and time that the game ended in US Eastern Time
NeutralVenue boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether this game is played in a neutral venue
DateTimeUTC datetime Yes No Yes The date and time of the game in UTC
GlobalAwayTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for the away team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
GlobalHomeTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for the home team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
CurrentSeason integer 32 No No Yes The college basketball season of the game
StartYear integer 32 No No Yes The year in which the season started
EndYear integer 32 No No Yes The year in which the season ended
Description string 10 Yes No Yes The description of this season for display purposes (e.g. 2017-18, 2018-19, etc)
RegularSeasonStartDate date Yes No Yes The start date of the regular season
PostSeasonStartDate date Yes No Yes The start date of the postseason
ApiSeason string 50 Yes No Yes The string to pass into subsequent API calls in the season parameter
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
TeamID integer 32 No No Yes The auto-generated unique ID of the Team
[Key] string 10 No No Yes Abbreviation of the team (e.g. OU, TTU, USC, UK, etc.)
Active boolean No No Yes Whether or not this team is active
School string 50 Yes No Yes The school of the team (e.g. Oklahoma University, Texas Tech University, University of Southern California, Kentucky University, etc)
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The mascot of the team (e.g. Sooners, Red Raiders, Trojans, Wildcats, etc.)
ApRank integer 32 Yes No Yes The AP Rank of the team 
Wins integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of wins by the school
Losses integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of losses by the school
ConferenceWins integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of conference wins by the school
ConferenceLosses integer 32 Yes No Yes The total number of conference losses by the school
GlobalTeamID integer 32 No No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
ConferenceID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team's conference
Conference string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the team's conference
TeamLogoUrl string 100 Yes No Yes The url of the team logo image.
ShortDisplayName string 10 Yes No Yes The short display name of the team